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Project Initiation

The presenter will:

  • Identify and define needs, explore opportunities and design alternatives for project design.
  • Make the link between the broad themes and overarching concepts of the project (ie. anti-bullying) to the performance program content.
  • Identify availability of resources.
  • Set desired outcomes and project indicators and risks.
  • Meet with the artist to plan and discuss concepts and activities.
  • Identify ways to involve the extended community in your project.
  • Inform the artist of any specific needs or concerns with respect to individual participants and share established procedures.
  • Share information about community.
  • Assume a co-planning and co-leadership role with the artist.

The artist will:

  • Provide the project lead/presenter with an idea of your approach to both art-making and working with community.
  • Assume a co-planning and co-leadership role with the presenter.
  • Communicate and demonstrate your working approaches with project lead and participants.
  • Meet with the project lead to plan and discuss concepts and activities
  • Obtain a current police check before commencing work with the presenter.
  • Co-plan and manage project time well with the project lead, including any necessary re-scheduling or cancellations.
  • Observe the community in their environment/place prior to commencing the project in order to get acquainted with their culture and with the participants you will be working with.
  • Ask the presenter/project lead to share their community engagement strategies with you.
  • Ask the presenter/project lead to share their prior knowledge of participants with you.




Judith Marcuse


Megan English - Community Engagement with dance


North Yorkshire Youth Dance Connecting with local environments

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