The following is a summary of key learnings and resources from a virtual conversation held as part of the
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A brief read, this article by Christina Sackeyfio published on February 3rd, 2020 in Charity Village is a powerful call to consider the role empathy plays in successful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) implementation.
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The Empathetic Museum is a concept supported by a group of museum professionals who “value and advocate for diversity of thought and authentic integration of empathy in museum practice.” While geared towards museums, their ideas and resources are highly useful for anyone in ar
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This past October, Agenda Paris hosted their Communicating the Arts conference in Montreal. Communicating the Arts is an international conference for cultural leaders.
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OF/BY/FOR ALL is an organization that "envision[s] a world in which all people are empowered to share their talents to strengthen their communities. Communities in which people feel safe, welcome, and connected to the strangers who cross their paths every day.
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This report offers an initial framework of key organizational characteristics for cultural institutions that are genuinely engaging participants who reflect their communities' changing demographics.
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Ontario Presents has developed a Statement of Guiding Principles for Presenting Indigenous Work.
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This series of studies from The Wallace Foundation explores building arts audiences and relationships with diverse communities.
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