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Bringing Together Young And Old To Ease The Isolation Of Rural Life

The potential for positive connections between the arts and health/well-being are increasingly being recognized and explored. This article from NPR Health explores a project called AGE to age that brings together youth and seniors in rural Apalachia for mutual connection and support. The two generations work various projects together, and while not all projects are arts-based, all focus on connecting and creating. The project has proved very successful in easing the social isolation that is becoming all too common in society, and especially in rural areas. For example, the Northland Foundation reports that 85% of youth particpating in AGE to age across northestern Minnestoa say they have created new friendships, while 95% of older adults report decreased feelings of isolation.

This is an inspiring piece for anyone looking for ways to create meaningful connections in their community!

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Community Engagement Resources from Doug Borwick

Doug Borwick is a US-based artist, arts administrator, and leading advocate for community engagement in the arts.

Nurturing Local Culture: Stories from Creative People and Places

The following is a summary of key learnings and resources from a virtual con

Turning Engagement Patterns Upside Down


Power Up

"This think-piece by Chrissie Tiller unearths and explores some of the complexities and challenges of sharing power, drawing on thinking


Judith Marcuse


Julius Ebreo - Leader, Producer, Director


Megan English - Community Engagement with dance

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