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Call for Applicants: Engagement Microgrants for Community Presenters 2022

About the Project: 

At the height of COVID-19 shutdowns in 2020, with funding from the Department of Canadian  Heritage, Ontario Presents was able to work with presenters and artists to fund and nurture community engagement projects across the province. 

In 2022, we are once again able to offer small grants to presenters who wish to partner with  a local artist to craft a project that will engage their community with the performing arts in a participatory manner

These projects will look different in every community, but we are looking for proposals that: 

  • Engage a professional artist who primarily resides in your community.
  • Engage community participants as co-creators in a creative process led by the  professional artist.
  • Culminate in a public event that includes the community participants.
  • Take place between January and August 2022. All projects must follow local health guidelines. 

Artists should be involved in crafting the projects from the earliest stages, and community  members should play an active role in the project. The arts have a unique ability to create dialogue, build community, and address societal issues. Our goal is to support projects that make use of this ability and experiment with new collaborations between artists and community  members. 

Since the project is intended to be developed with the artist and community, presenters do not  need to have a full project proposal in mind at the time of application. Presenters should,  however, apply with the artists with whom they would like to work. 

Available Funds: 

A limited number of $5500 grants are available. 100% of these funds must go directly to artist  fees. Presenters are expected to show contribution to the project (for example, logistical support, staff time, promotion) and will be expected to provide a final report. 

Learning Community: 

Participating presenters and artists will be expected to take part in a Learning Community  on the topic of community engagement, which will provide opportunities to learn from specialists  and fellow participants. This ArtsEngage Learning Community proved an invaluable resource  and source of inspiration in the 2020 cohort, and we look forward to building another dynamic community.

This Learning Community will take place between January and May 2022, with an approximate time commitment of 3 hours per month for both the presenter and artist. Meetings will take place  virtually. Additional support will be available from Ontario Presents as projects are completed  through the summer. 

Click here to explore resources from the 2020 Learning Community. 


Applications are open to any not-for-profit presenter (volunteer or professional) in Ontario. Applicants do not need to be members of Ontario Presents, nor must they be venue-based. 

An organization will be considered a presenter if they have, within the last 5 years, presented a  minimum of three distinct shows within a year, created, produced and performed by professional  artists outside of the organization. 

Applications will be assessed by an independent Selection Committee of experienced arts administrators with strong understandings of community-based work. Applications will be assessed based on how closely the intent of the proposed project aligns with the desired outcome of connecting your community with the performing arts in a  participatory manner. Priority will be given to presenters and artists who identify as Indigenous, Black, or People of Colour, artists and presenters with disabilities, Deaf artists and presenters, and rural/remote communities. Geographic distribution across the province will also be considered. 

To Apply: 

Interested applicants are invited to contact natalie [at] ontariopresents [dot] ca to discuss eligibility and  receive a short application form. Applications are due by 5pm on Friday, December 10th, 2021. 

View this call in PDF


North Yorkshire Youth Dance Connecting with local environments


Judith Marcuse


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